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In the desolate stretches of the Nevada desert, a mismatched crew of small-town dreamers embark on a cinematic escapade like no other in "American Deadbeats." Fueled by an irreverent spirit and a shared disdain for the mundane, this dark comedy follows a group of ragtag filmmakers as they pool their limited resources, wild imaginations, and a questionable grasp on reality to create the ultimate sci-fi masterpiece.

Filming begins this spring.


1. Select a character of your choosing and submit a self-tape submission by February 14, to -- please be sure to list the character in the 
subject line. Example: "Holly - Audition" -- You may audition for multiple characters, but please send a separate email per character.

2. Since this is an R-rated comedy, please be sure to fill out the form below.

3. We will select a handful of performers for In-Person callbacks, which will take place at the end of February in Cleveland, OH.


Sign up by completing the form below.

Please check ALL you are comfortable with:
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